Land Management Programs

Predator Control Services offers tailored land management programs to protect forestry lands, golf courses, and more from wildlife damage. With expert trapping, dam removal, and year-round availability, we ensure your property stays safe and well-maintained.

Programs cover Hunting Leases, Forestry lands, Timber lands, Golf Courses, and Marsh and Pond Protection.

Offering a full range of trapping options for all wildlife.

Save money and protect your property all at the same time.

Nuisance and Damage:

Beaver, Raccoon, Skunk, Muskrat, Otter, Armadillo, Moles, Snakes, and all other nuisance wildlife.

These wildlife species can damage property, kill turf, destroy feeders, flood timber, damage ponds, and wreck habitat.

Predator Management and Control:

Coyote, Bobcat, and Fox

Protect your valuable game animals. Deer and Turkey management programs must include removal of the apex predators. Use our predator control programs for quick and efficient results.

How does it all work?

Contact us today for your free quote and evaluation.

Predator Control Services offers weekly, monthly, and long-term control programs for every situation.

Custom-designed services just for you.

Receive the best option for your needs. Designed around your budget and your goals. Targeted programs for specific problems, or general maintenance programs for long-term management.


Each program is designed for the customer. Costs can start as low as a few hundred dollars for a basic trapping service.

Reasons to Choose Predator Control Services

  • Over 20 years of nuisance wildlife trapping experience

  • Servicing all counties in Georgia

  • Great customer service

  • All species, all seasons, all types of terrain

  • Quality equipment and supplies for the best results

  • Custom programs

  • Cost-effective

  • Full catch reports on all services

Get Your free estimate Today!

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